Talk the Talk & Walk the Walk Communication & Social Media with the best in the Business
No Nonsense Hands-on Occlusion Occlusion in day-to-day dentistry
Click and Cover: Photography and Rubber Dam
Take Beautiful Clinical Photography and Isolate like a Pro
Implants: Screw it!
Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry
Treatment Planning: Become worth it! Understand the value of your time and charge appropriately
Elevate your Composites Become masters of anterior and posterior composites
Aligner Orthodontics: Brace Yourself Understand why and when to use Aligners in Orthodontics
Ubhi Top Gum: Hands-on periodontal surgery including Crown Lengthening
Risky Matters with Dr Sham Shaamsi Tips to try and prevent and deal with medico-legal issues
Teeth Out: Oral Surgery Masterclass Oral Surgery hands-on skills from a Master
Jedi ASM: Anterior Smile Makeovers Anterior Preps and Temporisation
Endodontics: Simpler, Faster, Better See the newest and most predictable techniques in Endodontics
Elevate your Posterior Ceramics Indirect Posterior Dentistry from the Elevate team